There are many reasons why patients should choose Medly Health Solutions to get their urology, continuous glucose monitor, wound care and ostomy supplies. We are a reliable and trustworthy company that has been in business for many years. We have a wide selection of products to choose from, and we always offer the latest and greatest products on the market. We also have excellent customer service, and we are always here to help our patients find the products they need. Medly Health Solutions has a mission to help people in the medical industry and we always want to put our patients first. We also offer free shipping and handling on all of our orders which is an added benefit for our patients.
Urology Supplies And The Most Common Types of Patients That Need Them
Urological Supplies- Catheters, Condoms, Urine Collecting Bags , Drainage Bags, Foley Bulbs and Saline Solution (Irrigation) . We also carry gloves , cloth tape, condom catheters , intermittent urinary collection bags, drainage bags with ties , leg bag holders and much more.
Patients that may need supplies:
– Patients undergoing continuous bladder drainage
– Patients who cannot fully control their urine output
– For patients with urinary tract obstructions
– For female bedridden patients
– For male bedridden patients
– For older, frail patients
– For patients with weakened bladder muscle tone

Urology supplies are essential for many of our customers, and there is free shipping on all orders. Whether you need penile sheaths , or if you are looking for urinary catheters in bulk, we have what you are looking. We are the number one site for your urology needs when it comes to purchasing any type of catheter .
Medly Health Solutions also carries a variety of urology supplies for children including: Catheters, Leg bag holders , Urine Collecting Bags , Condoms and more. Do not hesitate to check out our website or contact us with any questions you may have regarding Medly’s products. We’re always here to help our patients find the best products at great prices.
Continuous Glucose Monitors and Sensors And The Most Common Types of Patients That Need Them
Continuous Glucose Monitor Supplies- Continuous Blood Glucose Meters (CGMs), CGM Sensors, Blood Glucose Test Strips , Lancing Devices, Lancets.
Patients that may need supplies:
-Type 1 Diabetics
-Type 2 Diabetics
There are many reasons why someone should use a continuous glucose monitor. Some of those reasons include the following:
– To have an accurate picture of blood sugar levels over time
– To help make treatment decisions
– To see how food, exercise and medications affect blood sugar levels
– To detect trends and patterns in blood sugar levels
– To identify times when blood sugar levels are too high or too low
– To receive alerts about blood sugar level readings

Continuous Glucose Monitor suppliers play a major role in diabetes treatment, and the most common types of individuals with diabetes are Type 1 Diabetics and Type 2 Diabetics. If you have never used one before it may seem intimidating at first, but once you learn how to use it, it will become your best friend. A Continuous Glucose Monitor is an essential part of any diabetic’s life, not only for care purposes, but also to help them live a normal life. Our patients can shop our site anytime they would like without having to leave their homes because everything ships free of charge!
Wound Care Supplies And The Most Common Types of Patients That Need Them
Wound Care Supplies- Collagen, Alginate, Foam, Hydrogel, Hydrocolloid, Wound Care Bandages, Wound Care Gauze and Medical Tape.
Patients that may need supplies:
– Patients with diabetes
– Elderly patients
– Patients with weakened immune systems
– Patients who are bedridden
– Patients that are prone to skin infections

If you or your loved one has recently had surgery, or if they have diabetes, then it is very important that they maintain their wound. Most of our products are latex free, and we even carry antibacterial ointments , compression bandages , tape (i.e., surgical tape, cloth tape), hydrocolloid dressings , hydrogel dressings and foam dressings . We not only sell supplies for individuals who currently deal with wounds but also those who will be dealing with them in the future. If you need any type of bandage at all this is the perfect place to find it!
Ostomy Supplies And The Most Common Types of Patients That Need Them
Ostomy supplies that we carry include: one-piece and two-piece pouches, drain tubes and clamps, adhesives and removers, deodorizers, barrier creams, filters, and more. We also offer a wide selection of colors and styles to choose from so that patients can find the perfect pouch for their needs. We are always here to help our patients find the products they need, and we offer free shipping and handling on all orders.
Types of patients that may need supplies:
– Patients with Crohn’s Disease
– Patients with Ulcerative Colitis
– Patients with IBD
– Patients who have had a Colostomy
– Patients who have had an Ileostomy

Ostomy supplies play a vital role in any patients life, and we offer everything you will need to make living with an ostomy easier. The most common types of patients that will need these supplies include those who have Crohn’s Disease , Ulcerative Colitis , IBD , or one of the many other digestive disorders . This is because one out of every ten Americans suffer from either Crohn’s Disease or Ulcerative Colitis and the number keeps growing each year. If you become afflicted with either one of these diseases we can help make it much more manageable for you because we offer free shipping on all products to our customers!
If you’d like to read more about our products and services, check out our website at