Is It Possible For Hemorrhoids To Disappear On Their Own?
When to consult a doctor about hemorrhoids and how to cure them
Hemorrhoids are a bothersome, frequently painful ailment that develops when the veins around the anus or lower section of the rectum swell and inflame as a result of too much pressure. External hemorrhoids form beneath the skin around the anus, whilst internal hemorrhoids form in the tissues' lining.
Hemorrhoids afflict around one in every twenty Americans, and they affect nearly half of all persons over the age of 50. One cause is age; as we age, the supporting tissues in the rectum and anus weaken and become more susceptible to pressure.
Pregnancy can also damage these tissues, which is why hemorrhoids are so common in pregnant women. Chronic constipation or diarrhea, straining during bowel motions, and sitting on the toilet for long periods of time are all possible causes. Hemorrhoids can also be exacerbated by carrying heavy things regularly.
How do you know if you have hemorrhoids?
Depending on whether the inflamed veins are exterior or internal, hemorrhoid symptoms differ.
Itching and soreness are common symptoms of external hemorrhoids, especially while sitting. You may also notice one or more painful lumps in the anal region. Scratching, rubbing, or extensive cleaning of the affected region might aggravate the symptoms.
You may observe bright red blood when you have a bowel movement if you have internal hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids are typically not uncomfortable till they prolapse through the anal orifice.
Hemorrhoids aren't hazardous, although they can cause problems. A hemorrhoid on the outside of the body might become infected or form blood clots. Anemia, or a decreased red blood cell count, can result from internal hemorrhoid hemorrhage.
At home, how are hemorrhoids treated?
Hemorrhoids, especially prolapsed hemorrhoids, usually go away on their own within a few days. Eat extra high-fiber meals, such as whole grains and green, leafy vegetables, and drink lots of water to help relieve inflammation (minimize coffee and alcoholic beverages, which can further irritate the area).
Avoid straining during bowel movements to avoid aggravating hemorrhoids. Fiber supplements or a little stool softener may be beneficial.
If you're in discomfort, consider a warm bath or a sitz bath, which is a shallow plastic tub in which you may sit in only a few inches of water. Sitz baths may be purchased over the counter, and adding Epsom salt to them may aid to relieve inflammation. After a bath, make sure the region is completely dry.
Mild hemorrhoid symptoms including itching, soreness, and swelling can be relieved with over-the-counter hemorrhoid creams or suppositories. Carefully follow the instructions.
When should you go to the doctor?
If at-home cures don't work, it's time to seek medical help.
"Call your provider for an appointment if you still have symptoms after a week or if you have rectal bleeding," advises Lina Dajani, MD, an internal medicine physician at Scripps Clinic Torrey Pines.
"While hemorrhoids are the most prevalent cause of bleeding, doctors want to rule out other possibilities including Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and malignancy."
Call your doctor right away if you have significant pain or bleeding, especially if you also have a fever or stomach pain. Your doctor will begin with a physical examination and a review of your medical history. Visual examinations are frequently used to identify external hemorrhoids. A digital rectal exam or an anoscopy, which employs a device called an anoscope put into the rectum to inspect the region, can be used to identify internal hemorrhoids.
"We may employ several methods to cut off the blood supplyand/or cause scar tissue to grow, both of which diminish the hemorrhoid," adds Dr. Dajani.
Hemorrhoidectomy is a surgical procedure used to remove big external hemorrhoids and prolapsing internal hemorrhoids.
Is it possible to prevent hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids might be recurrent in certain persons. While poor supporting tissues in the rectum and anus might increase your chance of hemorrhoids, you can reduce your risk by making lifestyle adjustments.
Make sure you consume enough of high-fiber meals and with your doctor about taking a fiber supplement. Also, drink plenty of water to keep your stools soft and easy to pass. Try not to spend more time on the toilet than is absolutely necessary. If you're not ready yet, come back later.