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The Full-Service Couple Therapy Retreat Provider

Mar 21

Whenever you experience a crisis in your marriage, the experience comes with its own set of downsides. However, retreats offer the perfect solutions to marital problems. Although many people are unaware, retreats also guarantee incredible benefits not obtainable anywhere else. At An Affair Of The Heart, we offer Couples Therapy Retreats for a wide range of issues.

Emotional and Physical Trauma

We will offer comfort and assurance whenever you suffer abuse following a domestic quarrel. We have a team of skilled therapists who will diagnose your condition and offer sound advice. Moreover, our Couples Counseling Retreat will help you walk through every step until you recover from the trauma.


During marital differences with your spouse, you are likely to experience stress. But how you deal with the stressful condition determines your path to recovery. While some people can easily overcome stress, others require therapy to avoid chronic depression.

 Our Couples Weekend Retreat Therapy is tailor-made to help you overcome your stressful moments. You’ll emerge from the program with a new drive to continue pressing on with life.


Depression often results from the trauma you experience during your marriage turmoil or breakup. If left untreated, depression can develop into chronic levels that may yield suicidal thoughts. 

As a result, whenever you feel depressed, it is advisable to seek medical help. An Affair of the heart is your reliable partner during times of depression. 


Anxiety is a product of emotional instability that usually comes when you don’t know what will happen next. For instance, if you just separated from your spouse, you may wonder what your next course of action will be. 

Without treatment, anxiety can hinder you from performing your usual chores. The good news is that our Couples Retreat NY offer the best solution for anxiety. We offer expert therapy that yields remarkable results to help you resume normal activities soonest.

Low Esteem

Marital problems may often time lead to low self-esteem. You may feel less worthy, owing to what you went through. But we are here to help you fight the adverse effects of marital turmoil. Our therapy sessions will help you find relief from the heavy baggage of negative emotions.

Post-Traumatic Follow Up

We recognize that marriage therapy is not a one-off treatment. Your therapy may take time before yielding the desired results. As a result, our Couples Retreats have robust follow-up programs to monitor your treatment progress. We are glad to watch you recover and regain your former state of mental health.


An Affair Of The Heart

43 Center St G, Northampton, MA 01060

(413) 210-3739