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Recovery from drug or alcohol addiction

Jul 2

Recovery from drug/alcohol addiction - Reach out to House of Hope and find help with recovery. You'll not only learn how to get sober but also take steps towards living again.

Addiction treatment programs offer help to break your addiction. Our support team and range of rehab options can give you the best treatment for substance abuse and prevent a relapse.

The House of Hope is found in Auckland, but we welcome guests from other parts of New Zealand.

The House of Hope offers rehabilitation services for people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol. This programme can help you turn your life around so that you can move on with it.

We know it's hard to recover from addiction, and we're here to provide the help you need every step of the way. Our staff are ambassadors for our programme, they've struggled with addiction themselves and know how it feels.

At our rehab facility, we strive to create a welcoming and private environment where you can become closer to your personal recovery goal. You'll be able to talk with the staff in privacy. Programs are flexible so you can find one that suits your needs best.

We understand that people might not know what services are available, so feel free to reach out and chat with us. There are many different ways we can help you!

Here at The House of Hope Centre for Addiction, we offer alcohol, meth & other drug addiction services. We're here to help you on your path to recovery.

Substance addiction can be a difficult and dangerous health problem. People who are addicted may lose interest in work or family, and in some cases it can lead to serious consequences like homelessness or other illnesses.

You may be taking drugs or alcohol without realizing it and think you have it under control, but if you notice any symptoms of an addiction, it's time to consider getting help.

  • You've noticed that the drug isn't as effective as it used to be over time
  • If you're in a situation where you need to refill your supply of narcotics and that leaves you anxious
  • When using drugs to treat stress, it's important to use them for long enough for the long-term effects on your health to be clear. This is because stress can be managed in some other ways and then manage if you're thinking about using drugs.
  • You're lying to your friends and family about your drug use.
  • You seem to put your addiction first and not focus on looking after your children or going to work.
  • You are using drugs, and this is making you feel really unwell with symptoms such as shaking, feeling nauseous or unable to sleep. The only thing that helps your symptoms is when you take the substance.
  • We specialize in addiction services and can be reached anytime to discuss how we can help. You or your family member will receive guidance from experienced professionals unless you prefer to work independently.
  • 21 Whitehills Road, Waitoki 0994
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