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Can I Take CBD To Treat Migraines?

Jul 13

Migraines, which impact around 38 million Americans each year are the most frequent kind of headaches. Migraines can be extremely debilitating and painful, therefore those who suffer from them you'll know how challenging they can be to manage.

Triptans, prescription medications as well as painkillers are most common migraine treatment. However, these medications may have undesirable adverse consequences. There is a lot of excitement about CBD oil to replace conventional migraine treatment. This guide will provide all you must be aware of CBD oil for migraines.

What is Migraine?

Migraines are the most severe type of headache that can be accompanied by extreme pain, throbbing and nausea. Migraines can last from hours to days, and make the sufferer unable to carry on in their normal routine.

While the reason for migraines is not known however, it is believed migraines are caused by environmental and genetic factors. The migraine may also be caused by stress, lack of sleep, bright lights , and strong smells.

Types of Migraines

There are two kinds of migraines.

Aura-type migraine: Aura is a warning indication that typically appears prior to the beginning of headaches. Auras can be associated with visual disturbances, such as blinking lights or blind spots. The duration can be for up to an hour.

Migraine without or with Aura It is the the most frequent type. It is characterized by intense pain, but no warning symptoms.

CBD for migraines

Cannabidiol is also known as CBD is a chemical that is found in the cannabis plant. Unlike its more famous cousin, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD does not have any psychoactive effects. CBD will not cause you to feel high. CBD offers a range of health advantages. CBD is thought to lower anxiety and ease pain.

CBD and Migraine Relief

CBD can help ease migraine pain.

Reducing inflammation. CBD is well-known to possess anti-inflammatory properties. This implies that CBD can help reduce inflammation that causes migraines.

Interacting with serotonin receptors. Serotonin, a neurotransmitter, is involved in the modulation of pain. CBD receptors can be in contact with serotonin receptors to reduce the pain.

Reduce anxiety Stress can trigger migraines. In studies on animals CBD was found to reduce anxiety, and could aid in preventing migraines.

The difference between CBD and THC

It is crucial to keep in mind that CBD and THC can be utilized in various ways. THC is the psychoactive ingredient found in cannabis, is what gives you the "high". CBD isn't a psychoactive substance and doesn't get you high.

CBD is legal in the majority of states. THC is illegal in some states. It is important to be aware of the laws in your state if you're contemplating using cannabis for migraines.

Can I take CBD to treat migraines?

Consult your physician before you decide to take CBD to alleviate migraines. While CBD is generally considered secure, it may interfere with some medications. Talk to your physician about whether CBD is the right choice for you.

The amount of CBD taken can differ from person to person. It's a good idea to begin with 25-50 mg of CBD every day. It is possible to increase the dose in case you don't experience any relief after a week.

Things to Take into Consideration when using CBD to treat migraines

There are a few points to be aware of if CBD is prescribed to treat migraines. Begin with a small dose and increase it gradually as you require it. CBD may interact with other medications you take. Consult your physician prior to beginning. It could take several weeks to notice the effects.


CBD may be a viable alternative to migraine. Begin with a small dose and increase it as you require it. Before beginning any new supplement or medication be sure to talk with your physician.

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