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Types Of Medical Marijuana Products

Oct 7

What kind of Marijuana Products is available?

The legalization of Marijuana has allowed it to be made available in a variety of forms, which can be used in different ways. Why are there so many options? Medical marijuana is much like other prescription drugs. One size does NOT always fit all. Let's discuss a few different medical marijuana types and how patients can obtain the best possible results.

The Flower

It is usually a dried cannabis flower, which has been cultivated. This is usually smoked in a pipe or rolled into an edible and then smoked. Not only is it a variety of cannabis flower, but also the way the plant was grown and processed. These differences lead to different results for patients who choose this method of smoking marijuana.

There are many benefits to smoking medical marijuana flowers. The immediate effects of cannabinoids are quicker to be absorbed into the body. The percentage of cannabinoids that is released into the system when they are consumed via other means is much higher than the percentage released by the body.

Some drawbacks to smoking pot include the requirement for special equipment like a bong, pipe, or rolling paper. To be mindful of by medical marijuana patients, the positive effects that marijuana smoking produces don't last the same amount of time as those from other forms.


You can also enjoy the benefits of medical cannabis in edible form. The 1960s hippie trend of crushing cannabis flowers into brownie batter led to the creation of edible marijuana. This can be used to obtain highs and satisfy the need for snacks that are often associated with marijuana. Cannabinoids can now be infused into many edibles such as popcorn, butter and mints.

There are more upsides than downsides to using medical marijuana. Eating edible medical marijuana is an option for those who cannot smoke. You don't have to purchase any special hardware or know how much cannabinoid you are consuming.


This form of medical marijuana has many disadvantages. Most edibles are made from sugar (or lots of sugar), artificial flavorings or colorings. These ingredients can be less beneficial for patients with diabetes and people who are allergic to artificial food dyes or ingredients. There are additional calories for patients who can tolerate these ingredients. Patients with qualifying medical conditions, such as those who require immediate relief, may need to wait for the edibles to be effective.


A tincture, or salve, may be the best way to use medical marijuana for chronic pain. These tinctures can easily be used on the affected area. Additionally, the dosage is measured to ensure that patients are aware of the exact amount of CBD they are using.

Although salves and Tinctures can be used as often or as little as required to control symptoms, they can take as long as 45 minutes to prove effective. This isn't a fattening method, and your blood sugar won't change.

Patients can use patches to give cannabinoids to their bloodstream. It takes between 30 and 45 minutes for the effect to kick in. If a patient is no longer requiring the benefits, the patch can be simply removed.



THC-free capsules provide a safe and effective way to consume cannabinoids. This is the easiest method to ingest cannabinoids. Also, the dosage is measured.

NOTE In order to legally possess medical marijuana in Missouri, your Missouri marijuana card must be obtained. It is important that you get legalized by making an appointment to see a Missouri doctor.